10% of Revenue Donated to Charity: Radical Compassion means cherishing and caring for all beings—human, non-human, our living earth. In this spirit, 10% of proceeds from courses offered by the Radical Compassion Institute will be distributed to non-profits supporting climate and racial justice initiatives.

With our global health and economic crises, racial and social just struggles, and cultural divisions on the rise, it can feel like there's little we can do about it.
But is that really true?


The medicine our world needs is widening circles of compassion—we need to love ourselves and each other into healing.

What's Included

Join Tara Brach, PhD, together with a luminary gathering of guest speakers for the Radical Compassion Challenge — a 10-day odyssey of life-changing insights and practices for growing compassion in ourselves and others.

Register Now and Receive a FREE 30-Day Membership to Sounds True One

  • 10 guided audio meditations and daily lessons
    Each day you will receive a new practice session from Tara, as well as a “Compassion-in-Action Challenge” to help you take the teachings from your meditation space into the world as you navigate the challenges we are facing in our own lives and around the globe.

  • 10 video interviews and transcripts
    Revisit any of our in-depth interview sessions with Tara Brach and our Radical Compassion Challenge luminaries, at your convenience and pace.

  • 2 Live Online Q&A Sessions with Tara
    Join Tara and your fellow students via Zoom for these live sessions - ask questions, learn from others, and meditate together in sangha.

  • Online Community Support Forum
    Connect with like-minded community to deepen your learning and find support throughout the challenge.

Throughout the challenge, you'll hear from global thought leaders in the art & practice of compassion, including:

Elizabeth Gilbert - New York Times bestselling author of Eat, Pray, Love
Van Jones - CEO of REFORM Alliance, CNN commentator, host of The Redemption Project and The Van Jones Show
Jon Kabat-Zinn, PhD - Internationally renowned scientist, author, and meditation teacher
Valarie Kaur - Civil rights activist and leader of the Revolutionary Love Project
Dacher Keltner, PhD - Professor of psychology and founding director of the Greater Good Science Center
Kristin Neff, PhD - Pioneering self-compassion researcher, author, and teacher
Sandra Oh - Actress & Community Activist
Maria Shriver - Journalist, author, and founder of The Women’s Alzheimer’s Movement
Daniel J. Siegel, MD - New York Times bestselling author and neuropsychiatrist
Krista Tippett - Founder and CEO of The On Being Project

In ten engaging sessions with Tara and her fellow presenters, the Radical Compassion Challenge explores:

  • Self-Compassion

    Why compassion begins with the person in the mirror (we can’t give what we don’t have), and how to receive practical guidance on being kinder to yourself

  • How to Widen Our "Circles"

    Learn to extend compassion to broader and broader circles, from friends and family, to your neighbors and coworkers, to the larger communities we share

  • The Neuroscience of Compassion

    Discover the evolutionary advantages of compassion, and the ways that our natural compassion can become either blocked or enhanced

  • The RAIN of Compassion

    Experience Tara Brach’s multipurpose meditation for releasing shame and blame, finding forgiveness, returning to presence, and deepening compassia

  • Healing Through Love

    Learn about the power of “revolutionary love” to transform our world, accessing the divine feminine warrior within, and ways to keep our hearts wide open

  • Gratitude, Appreciation, and Understanding

    Teachings and practices for seeing the good in others, finding our common ground, offering support, and expressing appreciation

Your Host

Tara Brach

Tara Brach is a meditation teacher, psychologist and author of several books including international bestselling Radical Acceptance, Radical Compassion and Trusting the Gold. Her popular weekly podcast on emotional healing and spiritual awakening is downloaded 3 million times a month. Tara is founder of the Insight Meditation Community of Washington and has been active in bringing meditation into schools, prisons and underserved populations. Together with Jack Kornfield, she has co-founded Cloud Sangha and the Mindfulness Meditation Teacher Training Program, which serves participants from 74 countries around the world. Tara’s teachings blend Western psychology and Eastern spiritual practices, mindful attention to our inner life, and a full, compassionate engagement with our world.

Frequently Asked Questions:

  • Is this the same program offered by Sounds True?

    Yes, the Radical Compassion Challenge was originally offered by Sounds True in 2020 and the program content is available as an on-demand program on the Sounds True Website. By joining the 2024 Radical Compassion Challenge, you will enjoy an online community of like-minded people with whom you can share and connect as you complete each day's offering, along with helpful resources to keep you on track, and two live-online QA sessions with Tara to deepen your learning.

  • When will the challenge begin?

    The challenge begins on August 14, 2024.

  • If I miss a session, will I be able to listen later?

    The pre-recorded sessions are online and on-demand. You will be able to listen to each session at your convenience once it becomes available each day.

  • Will transcripts be provided?

    Yes, a transcript of each session is available.

  • When do the live Q&A sessions take place?

    The Q&A sessions are scheduled on August 17th and 24th at 12PM Eastern Time/US. To determine what time that is in your area, please use this time zone converter. Please note that these dates/times are subject to change.

  • If I miss a Q&A session, will a recording be provided?

    Yes, a recording will be available within a few days of the session.

  • How long will I be able to access the program?

    You will be able to access the program content for as long as you wish, however, the community forum will close one week after the end of the program.

For help registering or accessing this course, please review these Frequently Asked Questions. If you need further assistance, or to inquire about disability-related accommodations, contact tech support.

Course curriculum

    1. Welcome Message from Tara Brach

    2. Getting Started

    1. Day One Overview

    2. “Arriving in Embodied Presence” with Tara Brach

    3. “Becoming an Architect of Change” with Maria Shriver

    1. Day Two Overview

    2. “Lovingkindness” with Tara Brach

    3. “The Neuroscience of Compassion” with Daniel J. Siegel, MD

    1. Day Three Overview

    2. “RAIN of Self-Compassion” with Tara Brach

    3. “The Yin and Yang of Self-Compassion” with Kristin Neff, PhD

    1. Day Four Overview

    2. “RAIN of Self-Forgiveness” with Tara Brach

    3. “A Merciful, Loving Presence” with Elizabeth Gilbert

    1. Day Five Overview

    2. “Compassion Toward People We Know” with Tara Brach

    3. “Hardwired for Compassion” with Dacher Keltner, PhD

About this course

  • $119.00
  • 36 lessons
  • Tara Brach + 11 Guest Experts

Enroll Now

(and also Receive a FREE 30-Day Membership to Sounds True One)